Articulate 360 Course
During my senior year, I was given the opportunity to participate in an independent study course with my advisor, Dr. Pam Estes Brewer, to create a “training” deliverable for pit bull awareness and education, specifically in the Southeast. The goal of this project was to create a deliverable that would be user-friendly and encourage individuals to do research on pit bulls to better understand why they are stigmatized in today’s society. Through this education, society can begin to break down negative breed connotations little by little and help get these dogs out of shelters and into loving homes where they belong.
In order to create this deliverable, I used Articulate 360, specifically Rise 360, to create a “training” that is intended to be circulated to a variety of audiences, including shelters, schools, and other organizations. I designed it to be a one-stop-shop for any information a potential adopter or concerned citizen could need regarding pit bulls, including breed history and characteristics, bite statistics, testimonials, and ways to get involved.

To view the full training in high resolution, click here.
Spring 2024
SharePoint Redesign
During my summer internship at thyssenkrupp Materials N.A., I was tasked with redesigning the company’s SharePoint page with a team of professionals. Below is the before and after for the company’s page.

The purpose of this redesign was to make the page more usable for members of the company. The previous SharePoint lacked organizational structure, and the image above shows how this design was changed to benefit usability. Instead of the home page being a list of corporate documents, there are now links to help the user navigate the site and find what they need.

The rest of the home page contains additional links that previously were not accessible on the old SharePoint and needed to be. This project taught me many valuable skills about how to use SharePoint, which was a program that I was unfamiliar with prior to this redesign.
Summer 2022
In the summer of 2023, I took an experience-based course through the Technical Communication program at Mercer where I was required to produce a report on my summer internship experience at thyssenkrupp. This report can be viewed at the link below.